Sunday, 1 March 2009

Education tansformation

I decided to write this post to let readers know about the Partnership for Schools agency in the UK as the group responsiblle for delivery of the Building Schools for the Future programme in England. This programme introduced by the government of Tony Blair, and committed to by the Brown regime, is aimed at rebuilding every secondary school in England over a period of 15 years with total investment of £45bn. 'This isn't just about bricks and mortar, BSF is a catalyst for transformation' is a quote from Gordon Brown about the programme. We in Sweden have noted a real growing interest from educationalists in England to look at the way things are done here especially in school design and pedagogy. Sweden really does have something to offer in these areas and we would encourage any LEA in the UK involved in BSF early waves to visit us and see what is on offer. Our contact details are available at the website ICG

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